The Bendigo Branch of the VAA Inc will hold their annual Field Day on Sunday 9th October, 2016 9.30 am – 3 pm
At the Harcourt Leisure Centre, 25 Binghams Road
Attractions for both the hobby and professional beekeeper including…
Open Bee Hive Demonstrations – bring your own protective clothing. Three separate hive stations will be in operation. Ask questions or simply watch as a swarm is hived, learn how to find a queen, find out about supplementary feeding, general bee hive husbandry and how to graft queen cells.
No perfume, aftershave hair spray or strong smelling liniments please – the bees do not like them.
Hobby Corner – Demonstration of equipment. Extraction of honey.
Auction – Second hand bee equipment and boxes. Time to clear the shed and bring along those things you no longer use.
Apiary Officers – Instruction on various diseases and how to treat them.
Queen Bees for sale. Contact Max Maunder (03 5446 7911). Collect and pay on the day.
Beekeeping Suppliers – Face painting, Honey and Beeswax candles.
Gate Entry $10 per person. Children Free. Lucky gate prizes.
Plenty of food and refreshments. Breakfast available early.
Further information: Rob Gardner 0477 489 889
Marie Murley 0428 723 988