1- Templates
ABN 38243284214
Bank details:
Commonwealth Personal Acct (Centrelink)
Acct Name: Daniel C Johnson
Acct No: 1026 7426
BSB: 06 3011
Westpac Business Acct (Current)
Acct Name: Bee Sanctuary
BSB: 033688
Acct No: 557931
Westpac Cash Reserve (Business Savings)
Acct Name: Bee Sanctuary
Acct No: 557958
BSB: 033 688
Bendigo Bank (Whirrakee)
Acct Name: Crowd Funding Account
Acct No: 158413187
BSB: 633000
Bank Australia (Joel)
Acct Name: The Green Hand Institute
Acct No: 12215135
BSB: 313140
Letting hosts know I’ve harvested honey
I went to look at your bees yesterday afternoon and they have been very very busy! … LOTS of honey!
I did a small harvest so there’s honey here for you.
Are you in Maldon in the near future? How would you like me to deliver the honey to you?
As discussed, I usually give the honey to our hosts in the frames for them to process. You can either cut it directly from the frames as cut comb honey or crush and strain it to put it into jars. I’m happy to show you how to do this and lend you the equipment you need the first time.
Let me know what you’d prefer to do.
Look forward to hearing from you so we can arrange this.
Warm regards,
0490 399 319
Letting people know about next class dates email:
Saturday XXX and Sunday XX XXXX 10am – 4pm
Saturday XXX and Sunday XX XXXX 10am – 4pm
For more details please visit: www.beesanctuary.com.au/classes-and-other-ways
These classes are filling quickly so please get back to me as soon as you can if you’d like to attend.
To secure your place in the class, please make payment via bank transfer to:
Also, if you could provide a contact number just in case I need to get in touch with you for any reason before the day, that would be helpful.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Kind regards,
General Adopt-a-Hive agreement email
It was great to meet you XXXXXXX and see your lovely property. I’m so glad you have decided to “join the swarm” by becoming Hive Hosts and joining Castlemaine Bee Sanctuary’s Adopt-a-Hive program 🙂
Here is a link to a PDF for the planting guide for European Honeybees and Australian native pollinators that I mentioned…
Please include your name and the word ‘Adopt’ in the payment description.
Alternatively, I would be willing to offer a 10% discount for cash.
I hope this is all clear and look forward to hearing back from you with your thoughts.
Thank you for supporting Castlemaine’s pollinators 🙂
Warm regards,
Email to Keren 2xAdopt-a-Hive
Hi Keren
Thank you so much for supporting Castlemaine’s pollinators 🙂
Further to our telephone conversation yesterday, here is a link to a webpage with the Castlemaine Bee Sanctuary Adopt-a-Hive agreement.
A password is required to enter this page; the password is – agreement – (all lower case).
Please examine this agreement thoroughly as there are considerations that we did not discuss last week. If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to contact me so that we can discuss them. I would ask that you give special consideration to paragraph No. 2 regarding honey.
If you could reply to this email indicating that you have read, understood and agree with the contents of the Adopt-a-Hive agreement, we can then move forward with arranging a date for delivery of the bees.
As mentioned in person, I am happy to offer a discount for multiple hives at the same location. The first hive is $10 per week ($520 total per year) but any further hives will receive a 50% discount. Two hives at the same location would be $15 per week ($780 total per year) ; three hives would be $20 ($1040 per year).
Payment must be made up front for one calendar year prior to delivery of the bees via bank transfer to:
Please include your name and the word ‘Adopt’ in the payment description.
Confirm Payment For Beekeeping Class
Just a quick note further to our telephone conversation just now to confirm that your place has been booked for Castlemaine Bee Sanctury’s Introduction To Bee-Centred Beekeeping class on the XXXXXXXXXX at the Castlemaine Continuing Education building, 30 Templeton Street, from 10am – 4pm.
I will send you an email in the week before to remind you along with any information you need for the class.
Look forward to meeting you then.
Kind regards,
Email to prior to 2 day Intro To Bee-Centred Beekeeping class:
Hello future BeeShepherds,
This message is to remind you that the Introduction To Bee-Centred Beekeeping class that you have signed up for is less than a week away.
WHAT: Castlemaine Bee Sanctuary’s 2 Day Introduction To Bee-Centred Beekeeping Class
WHEN: Saturday 8th and Sunday 9th December 2018, 10am until 4pm
WHERE: Buda Historic House & Garden, corner of Urquhart and Hunter Streets, Castlemaine
DRESS CODE: Closed toe footwear that covers your ankles (gumboots are ideal) and a hat (a peaked baseball cap is ideal)
WHAT TO BRING: Pen and paper, lunch, any protective beekeeping clothing you might have, a small jar for honey, a positive outlook and an open mind 🙂
Note Taking
We have asked you to bring a pen and paper, but extensive note taking is not necessary. You will be given access to comprehensive notes for most of subjects that we cover (and for some others that we don’t). Also, we will be looking at an absolutely mind boggling amount of new information. It is just not possible to absorb it all. Our advice is to let the information wash over you. Some will stick. The rest will then be a at least a bit familiar when you come across it later in your beekeeping journey. This class is, after all, just an introduction, the beginning of a road of learning that literally lasts a lifetime. We always say that it’s best to just try to bee in the moment 🙂
“How To” Beekeeping Book
We can’t possibly cover all you need to know about beekeeping in 10 hours. With that in mind, we always make available the most comprehensive bee-centred beekeeping book that we have yet come across. We will have a limited number of copies for sale at $30 each. This book is called The Complete Idiot’s Guide To Beekeeping by Dean Stiglitz and Laurie Herboldsheimer. This book can also be be purchased on-line for as little as $20.
Hands-on Bee Work – Avoid Applying Chemical Frangrances
Depending on the weather, we will be opening beehives to give you an opportunity to handle live bees. Bees often do not like chemical fragrances so it is best practice when working with bees to not to use products on our bodies that contain chemical fragrances (perfume, cologne, shampoos, conditioners, deodorant etc etc).
This is also where bringing your own protective beekeeping clothing comes in handy if you have it. But don’t worry if you don’t – we have enough to go around.
Also, we will be carpooling during field trips, so, if you are coming by car, perhaps have a think about whether you are willing to give others a lift to the field trip site.
Bee Stings
Of course we will do everything we can to avoid being stung, but, bees do sting – that’s just a reality of beekeeping. As future BeeShepherds working hands-on with bees, it is inevitable that you will be stung. You may be stung during the class. We ask you to be both mentally and physically prepared for this. We will have a pain relieving balm on hand but some like to bring antihistamines or even an epinephrine auto-injector (EpiPen) just in case. Ideally we would like to supply these things but there are legal issues around administering medicines to others and so we leave it to each of you to take responsibility for yourselves.
Products Of The Hive
As part of the ‘Harvesting Products Of The Hive & Honey Processing’ section of the course, we often (if available) process some honey. If you bring a container with you (a glass jar is ideal) you may be able to take some honey home with you. Also, sometimes we sample some mead (honey wine). There are different types of mead and some of them can be quite alcoholic.
For The Super Keen Students
If you’d like to really be prepared for the class, here is a link to a ‘Glossary Of Beekeeping Terms’. This is not exactly a fun read – like reading a dictionary – but it definitely will help in your beekeeping journey if you can become at least a bit familiar with some of these terms. The link is – www.beesanctuary.com.au/
For The Super Super Keen Students
There are lots of videos available on YouTube by Micheal Bush – one of the most well known advocates of Natural Treatment-free Beekeeping. Although Michael is from the United States (so some of the things he talks about are not relevant to Australian beekeepers) much of what he talks about is very interesting and relevant. Some of his videos will be too advanced for the beginner, but this video I think would be helpful to watch. We may watch this video during the class.
For The Super Super Super Keen Students
Here is another link that might like to have a look at. It is a list of constantly updated resources that may help in your beekeeping journey. There is a SO MUCH information here that we would never expect you to be familiar with all of it before the class (there are zero expectations of ANY prior beekeeping knowledge for these classes) but for the super super super keen student, it might come in handy.
Class Outline
Below is a rough outline for our 2 day classes. Depending on many factors, we may not cover the subjects listed below or in the order they are listed. Rest assured, if there is anything we do not manage to cover, you will have access to extensive notes, our wonderful Bee-Centred Facebook Beekeeping Community and the option to purchase ($30) what is in my opinion the best How To beekeeping book available for Bee-Centred beekeeping.
Session 1, 10.00 – 11.15
Introduciton: What is your goal?
What is Bee-Centred Beekeeping?
Morning Tea, 11.15 – 11.30
Session 2, 11.30 – 12.30
Introduction To Apis Mellifera (The European Honeybee)
Lunch, 12.30 – 1.00 (visit to The Hub Plot Demonstration Garden)
Session 3, 1.00 – 2.15
Conventional/Industrial Beekeeping -vs- Bee-Centred Beekeeping
Afternoon Tea, 2.15 – 2.30
Session 4, 2.30 – 4.00
Harvesting Products of The Hive & Honey Processing
Legalities Involved In Setting Up An Apiary
Session 1, 10.00 – 11.15
Introduction and Recap
What To Look For When Inspecting Your Colony
Morning Tea, 11.15 – 11.30
Session 2, 11.30 – 12.30
Guest speaker: Phil Chandler – The Barefoot Beekeeper
Bee Stings & Bee Sting Therapy
Lunch, 12.30 – 1.00
Session 3, 1.00 – 2.15 (field trip)
Different Styles Of Beehives Pros and Cons & What Makes A Beehive Bee-Centric?
Choosing A Backyard Apiary Site
Afternoon Tea, 2.15 – 2.30
Session 4, 2.30 – 4.00
How To Get Bees & Establish A Colony
Swarms & Cutouts
Pests & Diseases
Hopefully that covers everything and is helpful in preparing to attend next weekend’s class. Hopefully we haven’t overwhelmed you. Don’t worry, as mentioned above, we always recommend practicing just beeing in the moment. The bees are our ultimate teachers and this class is more about setting you in the best direction to achieve your goals with bees as well as meeting a group of like minded people all doing the same.
I am excited about meeting you and look forward to the weekend with great anticipation.
One last thing… we have LOTS to cover and so will be starting the class at 10am promptly. With this in mind we ask that you please be sure to arrive on time.
Do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or inquiries – 03 5470 6216.
Kind regards,
Explanation of Service and Exemption From Damages Caused By Attempt to Rehome Bees
Castlemaine Bee Sanctuary (CBS) offers humane live bee removals in Castlemaine and surrounding areas. We carefully remove the bees and rehome the bees in a bee-friendly environment whist avoiding as best as we can the use of poisons or pesticides.
Removing bees from inside wall cavities is a difficult undertaking and there are no guarantees that it will be successful.
CBS will make an exploratory examination which will involve removing part of the building structure (internal and/or external walls, parts of the ceiling, roof or floor) to locate the bee colony and determine whether removing the bees is viable. Only after this exploratory examination has been made can CBS make a decision about whether the bees can be removed.
CBS may decide at this point that it is not possible to remove the bees. CBS is not responsible for replacing or repairing parts of the structure that have been removed or any damage caused during the exploratory examination.
The costs involved in this scenario would be a $50 fee for each call-out and $50 per hour for the time taken to determine that the bees could not be removed plus the costs of any materials and/or equipment needed to be hired. The minimum fee in this case is $200. The maximum fee in this case would be $400 plus the cost of materials and or hire costs.
A more likely scenario will be that once we CBS has located the bees, we will proceed to remove them.
The removal process may include the use of smoke, essential oils, other strongly aromatic substances and loud sounds. The use of these substances may cause disruption and damage to the property and leave strong residual aromas.
The costs involved here would be a $50 fee for each call-out and $50 per hour for the time taken to remove the bees plus the costs of any materials and/or equipment needed to be hired. The minimum fee in this case is $200. The maximum fee in this case would be $400 plus any costs for materials and/or hiring equipment.
CBS is not responsible for replacing the parts of the wall removed or repairing any damage caused during the bee removal process.
All costs mentioned above are best estimates only and do not include GST.
If you are in agreement with everything mentioned in this email, please reply stating that you are in agreement along with your name, best contact number and the address of the property where the work will be carried out.
Info about next beekeeping classes email:
Thanks for getting in touch. I am pleased to hear you are interested in our Introduction To Bee-Centred Beekeeping classes.
We are currently planning two different Introduction To Bee-Centred Beekeeping classes. The first class will be held on the weekend of Saturday 24th/Sunday 25th November. The second class will be held over the weekend of Saturday 8th/Sunday 9th December.
For more details please visit: www.beesanctuary.com.au/classes-and-other-ways
We have only just decided on these dates; they have not been announced on the Bee Sanctuary website yet. When they are announced, these classes will fill up quickly.
To secure your place in the class, please make payment via bank transfer to:
Also, if you could provide a contact number just in case we need to get in touch with you for any reason before the day, that would be helpful.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Kind regards,
We are pleased to announce the next dates for our Introduction To Bee-Centred Beekeeping class. The class will be held on the weekend of Saturday 24th/Sunday 25th November.
We have only just decided on these dates; they have not been announced on the Bee Sanctuary website yet. When they are announced, these classes will fill up quickly.
To secure your place in the class, please make payment via bank transfer to:
Your place will be secured when payment has been received. Please include your name and the dates of the class (e.g. 24-25 Nov) in the payment description and send me an email letting me know you have done this including what you have written in the payment description. This payment is non-refundable if you are unable to attend the class but we may be open to someone else coming in your place on the same day.
We will reply with an email of our own confirming payment has been received.
Also, if you could provide a contact number just in case we need to get in touch with you for any reason before the day, that would be helpful.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Kind regards,
All-inclusive Beekeeping Package
Further to our recent telephone conversations, I am writing, as discussed, with details of Bee Sanctuary’s all-inclusive beekeeping package. There is no better way than this comprehensive combination of services to prepare yourself for success as a Bee-Centred beekeeper.
The all-inclusive package includes:
Bee Sanctuary’s 2 Day Introduction To Bee-Centred Beekeeping Class
12 months subscription to Bee Sanctuary’s Adopt-a-Hive program
12 x Mentoring sessions with Daniel BeeShepherd
Use of Personal Protective Beekeeping Clothing
Access to Products Of The Hive
Introduction To Bee-Centred Beekeeping Class
We will begin your beekeeping journey with a solid foundational understanding of what Bee-Centred beekeeping is and the reasoning behind why we employ the techniques that we do. This will be delivered via Bee Sanctuary’s hugely popular 2 Day Introduction To Bee-Centred Beekeeping workshop – 10 hours (split over two days) of mostly classroom based theory covering all the basics of Bee-Centred beekeeping. For more details of what we cover in this class, please go to XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Adopt-a-Hive and Mentoring
Bee Sanctuary will then install an established European honeybee hive on your property. You can immediately start to experience all the joys and benefits of having honeybees in your garden.
We always stress that honey should not be your main concern in taking part in the Adopt-a-Hive program. Like everything we do at Bee Sanctuary, the bees themselves and their welfare are our main concern – Adopt-a-Hive is about providing a home for pollinators and getting to know the bees, not harvesting honey.
Having said that, these are after all, honeybees… and they do make honey. In a good season, they make a lot of it.
Hive adopters receive the first 3 full deep frames (approximately 6 kilograms) per year of any harvestable honey their hive produces and first options on purchasing honey beyond that at a heavily discounted rate. Other products of the hive (propolis, pollen and bee venom) can also be made available but must be discussed on a case-by-case basis.
Then, over the next 12 months, you will work with Daniel BeeShepherd learning the practical implementation of the theory learned during the Bee-Centred Beekeeping class with direct hands-on experience over approximately monthly 45 minute long mentoring sessions.
Most people find that 12 sessions over one year is enough to get them going, however, others find that continuing with the Adopt-a-Hive program is also helpful. This can be done with or without continuing mentoring sessions. At the end of the subscription period, we can also discuss the purchase of the hive
The investment involved for the Bee Sanctuary’s all inclusive beekeeping package is $1999 for those living in Castlemaine. Travel expenses will apply to those living outside of Castlemaine calculated on time and distance traveled.
Feedback After Beekeeping Classes
Hello group,
Thank you so much for coming today. I feel absolutely honoured to have been able to accompany you on your first steps along your path to becoming a BeeShepherd 🙂
I hope you enjoyed the course and got what you wanted out of it.
From my point of view, even though it has been an extremely busy and challenging time in the lead up and I was working in a less than ideal setting, the group seemed to flow relatively well and we covered everything I planned to.
I’m constantly working towards improving these classes. With this in mind, I would appreciate if you could take a few minutes to give some feedback.
Below are some suggested questions to help prompt useful feedback – but feel free to say anything you like. Please don’t hold back. I have thick skin and the more honest you can be the better in terms of adjusting the course to meet the needs of future learners.
I’m also looking for positive feedback that I can quote on the website as testimonials. Have a look at the bottom of this page for examples of testimonials others have given.
So if you feel like saying something nice and wouldn’t mind me using it on the website, please do that too.Thank you so much for your time. Happy beeing! 🙂
Here are some prompts for feedback:
What was your overall assessment of the course?
Which topics did you find most interesting?
Which topics did you find most useful?
Which topics did you find least interesting?
Which topics did you find least useful?
Did the course meet your expectations?
Did the course represent value for money? Do you think I could reasonably charge more?
Can you think of anyway the course could be made more enjoyable? effective?
Do you have any other comments at all?
Kind regards and see you on the Facebook group The Bee Sanctuary.
Info for Daylesford Feb 2019 Class
To secure your place in the class, please make payment via bank transfer to:
The cost for this class (12 hours over 2 days) is $350/$250 concession. Your place will be secured when payment has been received.
Please include your name and the dates of the class (e.g. 23-24 Feb) in the payment description and send an email letting use know you have done this including what was written in the payment description. This payment is non-refundable if you are unable to attend the class. We will reply with an email of our own confirming when your payment has been received.
Also, if you could provide a contact number just in case we need to get in touch with you for any reason before the day, that would be helpful.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Kind regards,
0490 399 319