Private Mentoring
Are you already a beekeeper but need help with your bees? Contact Daniel BeeShepherd and he will come to you. Alternatively, you can come to Castlemaine and visit our Educational Apiary to work on one of the hives there.
Daniel can help with all aspects of beekeeping and all hive styles including:
– Choosing the best place to put your bees
– Choosing the style of hive that suits you
– Catching a swarm or setting up a swarm trap to catch your own bees
– Hiving a caught swarm
– Installing your new bees
– Re-homing wild colonies into a managed hive
– Troubleshooting problems with your colony
– Honey harvesting
– Swarm prevention
– Making nucleus colonies/splitting
– Post-mortem analysis if your bees have died out
Private Mentoring can take place on a One-on-One basis or in a small group as a private class.
In combination with Beekeeping Classes, Private Mentoring is the best way to ensure success as a new or existing beekeeper. We can also include Private Mentoring in conjunction with the Adopt-a-Hive program.
The investment involved with Private Mentoring is $185 per hour. Travel costs of $1 per kilometer will also apply (driving distance to and from Castlemaine, Victoria).
Call 0490 399 319, email danielbeeshepherd@gmail.com or fill in the contact form to make a time or discuss any other details.